African gods & goddesses
Amun - King of the gods
Ani-lbo - a goddess of birth, death, happiness and love
Anubis - god of the Dead
Atum - First god, god of Perfection
Bastet - goddess of Protection
Bes - goddess of Childbirth and Family; Protection for Children, Pregnant Women and Families
Geb - god of the Earth
Hathor - a goddess of love and joy
Horus - god of the Sky, Ruler of Egypt
Isis - goddess of Protection and Magic
Leza - Creator who is Compassionate and Merciful (Rhodesia)
Ma'at - goddess of Truth, Justice and Harmony
Nephthys - goddess of the Dead
Ngai - High god, Creator and Giver of All Things (East Africa)
Nun - god of Water and Chaos
Nut - goddess of the Sky who Covers the Earth
Nzambi - Unapproachable god, Sovereign Master
Obatala - goddess of Earth and People, Creator
Osiris - god of the Dead, Ruler of the Underworld
Ra - Sun god
Raluvhimba - god of the Heavens, Creator
Seshat - goddess of Writing and Measurement
Seth - god of Chaos
Thoth - god of Writing and Knowledge
Wadjet - Cobra goddess, Protector of the King